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Exam Services
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Process for implementing exam accommodations
Student Disability Services (SDS) Exam Services are available to help support instructors as they provide exam-related accommodation(s).
Students give LOA to instructors and discuss their accommodations.
- It is best practice to schedule exams 7 days in advance and 21 days in advance for final exams.
- Remember that accommodation and disability information are confidential and shared only on a need-to-know basis. Refrain from discussing exam accommodations in public spaces.
Determine the appropriate location.
If the instructor is able to provide the accommodation(s) they may proctor exams within their department or proctor exams virtually (see Tips on remote testing).
Accommodations can be provided at one of two Iowa City Test Centers; Student Disability Services in the University Capital Center (141 UCC) or the North Campus Test Center (W216 CB) depending on accommodations.
Confirm scheduling and exam details and share with your student(s).
- If proctoring the exam through the department, the instructor is responsible for communicating the time, location, and exam details to the student.
- If using an Iowa City Test Center, you will need to use the Proctored Exams Portal (PEP) in your ICON course. Visit the QUICK START GUIDE FOR THE PROCTORED EXAMS PORTAL (PEP). When using the portal in your ICON course, instructor may create and assign students for all upcoming exams / quizzes that require accommodations. This allows students to schedule well in advance. Exams should be uploaded using the PEP at least 24 hours before the student’s scheduled appointment.
- If using the PEP, an instructor can schedule all the quizzes/exams for the semester, then add the ICON or paper exam when they are completed. Exams should be uploaded using the Proctor Exam Portal at least 24 hours before the exam.
Check exam scheduling and completion through the Proctor Exam Portal (PEP) in your ICON course.
- By default, completed paper exams are uploaded to the Proctored Exams Portal. Use the Proctor Instructions field to indicate you want to pick up your completed exam(s).
- Iowa City Test Centers retain physical copies of completed exams in a secure location for 1 calendar year.
Resources and contacts:
- Student Disability Services (SDS) Exam Services, or call 319-335-1462 for assistance with accommodations.
- North Campus Test Center (NCTC), W216 Chemistry Building, or call Distance and Online Education (DOE) Exam Services at 319-384-4800.
- Distance and Online Education (DOE) Exam Services, or call 319-384-4800 for assistance with DOE courses.
- Proctored Exams Portal (PEP) User Guide
- Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology (OTLT),, or call 319-335-5194 for assistance with ICON.
- Student Instructional Technology Assistants (SITA), or schedule a SITA appointment for assistance with building ICON/Quizzes exams.
- Classroom Scheduling and ( is an available resource to identify an available neighboring classroom where a test can be administered.
Student and instructors, please note the following instructions and guidelines:
SDS Exam Services guidelines
- SDS Exam Services hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Exams cannot begin before 8:30 a.m. and must be completed by 4:00 p.m.
(Note: SDS Exam Services will be open extended hours during final exam week.) - Exam materials must be received by SDS Exam Services at least 1 business day before the scheduled exam. SDS Exam Services allows the drop off and pick up of physical exam materials during SDS regular hours.
- SDS Exam Services will adhere to the scheduled test time. If a student is late to a scheduled exam, the end time will not be extended.
- All personal belongings and/or any materials not indicated in the test definition must be stored in the designated area.
- Once an exam begins, students may only leave the testing room for a quick restroom break or if breaks are allowed as a designated accommodation.
- No food or drink is allowed in the testing room. It can be stored in a location that is easily accessible.
- If a course is dropped for which exams have been scheduled at SDS, please notify SDS as soon as possible. Other students may be able to use the time and space that was reserved.
- All Iowa City Test Centers are monitored by closed circuit cameras with recording capabilities.
- The University of Iowa takes the issue of cheating very seriously. If cheating or other academic dishonesty is observed or suspected, the instructor will be notified immediately. The University of Iowa Code of Student Life can be found on the Dean of Students website.