Thursday, February 2, 2023

Accessibility-Informed Events and Programming Guide is intended to provide event organizers and campus administrators with the tools necessary to proactively plan events that are inclusive and accessible for all attendees.

This Guide is created to:

  • Be a living document.
  • Reduce need for accommodations by increasing accessibility.
  • Be intersectional by including practices that welcome multiple and overlapping identities.
  • Build and bolster confidence in creating inclusive events and programming.

This Guide was created by the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DDEI) in partnership with collaborators and supporters from individuals, offices, pilot partners, advisory boards, and councils across campus that included: Academic Advising Center; Associated Residence Halls; Center for Advancement; Center for Teaching; Center for Diversity Enrichment; DDEI Communications; Diversity Resources; Division of Student Life Leadership, Service, and Civic Engagement; Division of Student Life Sorority and Fraternity Life; ITS; IT Accessibility, Office of Institutional Equity; School of Law; Student Disability Services; UI College of Pharmacology; and University Museum to provide a helpful resource for planning accessible and inclusive events and meetings at the University of Iowa.