Academics and Tutoring

Library Assistance for People with Disabilities

The University of Iowa Libraries affirms its commitment to provide all members of the University community with access to library information resources and services. Wherever possible, UI Libraries’ staff will remove barriers that prevent equitable access for persons with disabilities.

Language Media Center

Provides students with facilities and services for traditional language laboratory work as well as for foreign language video and computer-based activities.

History Teaching and Writing Center

Provides assistance to undergraduate students with writing assignments for history courses.

Engineering Tutoring

Engineering Tutoring provides free group tutoring to students taking foundational and core courses in the Engineering curriculum. Engineering Tutoring is staffed by undergraduate students who have been successful in the courses they tutor.

Computer Science - Tutoring

List of approved tutors for Computer Science or Informatics undergraduate courses.

Chemistry Resource Center

Graduate teaching assistants hold office hours for their courses in the Chemistry Resource Center. These instructors are available to assist students in their chemistry courses. Students utilize this room to prepare for exams, request help on homework, work on laboratory reports and general study for chemistry.

Academic Support and Retention (ASR)

Academic Support & Retention coordinates campus-wide programs and initiatives that facilitate the academic success of all undergraduate students.

Academic Resource Center (ARC)

Home to the University of Iowa’s Supplemental Instruction (SI) program which is FREE, course-specific, peer-facilitated group study sessions that was developed to improve retention and academic success within historically challenging courses.